Brand new years bring new days for new things. Today I expanded my walking territory to include two extra streets in my neighborhood. It adds about twenty five minutes and two big hills.
Not a big deal, but a little step out of one of my familiar routes in my Bermuda triangle.
I've also decided to eat better, more salads, less sugar and to write more, more blogs and more of my new book, a novel about a seventeen year old girl, who moves across the country, on her own, looking for a fresh start. She makes some poor choices which eventually lead to more... fresh starts.
Play Wit Me Nana, the MS (manuscript) has arrived to 2008, waiting on me. It's been professionally edited, but the editor told me it lacks a genre. She said it's a personal memoir that breaks into advice. She thinks it should be "either or."
Since the book is a personal story about me, my daughter,my granddaughter Kenzie, my grandmas, etc. she says it probably wouldn't be something that the general public would be interested in. If I were famous, then it would be a different 'story.' Nevertheless, the book is alive and looking forward to the new year, maybe to self-publication.
Do children make New Year's resolutions? Kenz is already a good eater. She loves salad bars, especially making the whole salad herself. I am not a picky eater, she tells me. If she could change anything in her life, I'm sure it would be to play more. I'm sure of it. In a child's world, play is work, the kind of work that brings a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
Hmmm... maybe that is my New Year's plan too...to play more, be more creative and approach each day as a chance to do something new and fresh, no matter how small that may be.
Happy Fresh Starts to you all!
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
Thanks for dropping by my blog. I agree that children will always want to play more. Maybe that's why they are a happier lot. Hahahah.
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