Are these children listening to a great story? No, they're watching a six-year old friend open presents at her birthday party. As a mother I may have been too busy writing down the gift giver's name to notice, but children in this age group (4-7) are immensely interested in what presents the birthday girl gets.
I don't know about most boys, but most girls gather around and study every aspect of gift unwrapping, almost like it's a movie.
I noticed it happening again at a party yesterday, (even after a Hannah cake with thick forest green frosting). Maybe it's the volume of presents the birthday star gets to open. After Kenz's party in November we had two trunkfuls to cart home. Friends are also very interested in the gift they brought. (Please please please open mine first.)
Every child should have a turn to be on the receiving end, but it sure is nice to see the givers sharing in the excitement. It reminds me of a song my children sang in Sunday school years and years and years ago.
The Magic Penny (Love Is Something If You Give It Away)
Love Is Something
if you give it away
Give it away, give it away
Love Is Something
if you give it away
You end up having more
It's just like a magic penny
It's just like a magic penny
Hold it tight and you won't have any
But lend it, spend it and you'll have so many
They'll roll all over the floor
So let's go dancing 'till the break of day
And if there's a piper that we can pay
Love is something if you give it away
You end up having more (chorus)
Money's dandy and we like to use it
But love is better if you don't abuse it
It's a treasure and you'll never lose it
If you open your door (chorus)
WOW! What an attentive group! Especially at that age!!
We went to a Valentine Party with 5 of our little granddaughters tonight, and they could hardly wait to give each other their valentines. They like getting, but they get a thrill from giving, too.
Cute song!
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