The computer displays them in the playroom so Brody will often stop, look at them, wonder about them. That's Denzie Brody, when she was little, just like you!
I have downloaded millions of photos since Kenz was born. Let's see, here's one from 2004. (a little math) 2011 minus 2004 is seven. Kenz is 8 years old now. So, she was one. It was February and she had turned one in November. She was twenty-seven months. Kenz was with me almost everyday (most of the day) back then. I didn't work as a nurse and her mom was (is) a single parent. I wrote a book during that time, a memoir, a slice of being newly grandma. It's called (of course) PLAY WIT ME NANA (not perfected or published yet)
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Fast Forward A Little to... Summer 2006 |
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Two special girls |
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Here's another one of Kenzer in 2004 ... Holy Smoke was she cute. And is now even more so. |
Here's one of my son and his wife in 2004 way before they were married and four years before Brody was born. They were dating. I remember telling them about three years after this pic that having a child will change their lives forever. SMILE

Brody was born in September of 2008
I don't know who took this picture of me in the birthing room the morning after Brody's la entrada. I was celebrating and on cloud nine! ( probably exhausted... was there for the awesome birth!) Look at little Kenz, she was almost five years old! Look at my son.... sound asleep.
And the new pictures they keep on coming. This was a week or so ago. Kenz ran around the same tree hundreds of times.
Since this pic of happy Brody was taken he has developed a bad cold plus we have had a bad cold snap here in the desert.
It's gone now, this afternoon it was almost 80. (Bro still has a cold) Sad, but true, all the leaves on all the trees froze. Today Brody and I were out there raking up the crispy ones. His little nose is red and sore. He was a bit trying, cranky, demanding, not his regular even keeled self.
I had my camera outside with me, but when I went to snap pictures the battery was dead. I have to tell you... I was disappointed. It seems that I gotten very used to having my memories in permament color.
Both the battery and I are recharging now. I have a few quiet hours this afternoon to read and study. (Studying for a wound care certification exam.)
And the pics go on... and the pics go on...
I am so glad we live in the digital age and can capture all the moments, without going broke! Your photos are wonderful.
I love looking through my digital photos too. It's like a visual journal!
Your photos are great! As a grandparent, I find it fun to look at photos of other families. Another thing to be thankful for in this digital age - sharing is much easier.
Isn't technology great!
Whether they are digital or printed, it's very easy to lose hours looking at pictures of the grandchildren. Whenever I need cheering up, I can count on looking at their smiling faces to make me feel better!
What I like the most about the digital cameras is that I don't have to develop anything. I can't tell you how many times I used to find pictures in the camera after months that I didn't get a chance to develop. Then they would come out developed with an orange haze. Digital is best for procrastinators like me.
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