Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Breaking Into Spring

Kenz is off from school this week and her cousin Brody is here for his usual schedule.

Nana is on!

And ...we are breaking into Spring.

It's already Wednesday! (Yikes!)

 Kenz and I actually started Spring Breaking on Sunday at the Tucson Book Festival. She got her first American Girl book, a Rebecca one.  I had a blast attending some great lectures with  many different creative peoples. (Shelia Bender and Jim Harrison are a couple of the presenters I really enjoyed.)

On Monday and Tuesday we then had some quiet playroom time (ahh! laying on the couch). The magic meditative serenity was predictably interspersed with some rock and roll rambling... (throwing balls, playing playdoh, reading stories, making lunch, picking up playdoh and a little don't run in the house in your socks!)

Magic Moments

Today I am feeling brave. Kenz and Bro and I will venture off the grounds of Nanaville and head over to our town zoo. In comparison to San Diego and Lincoln Park and probably any other zoo in the country, our zoo is small. We do have a great collection of my favorites, the lovely giraffes and I love the gift shop. It might get hot! It's supposed to be in the high eighties! In the desert it is not unusal for the temps to go from winter to summer!

Here's to full day of welcoming another Spring!

Cheers to Spring! (lifting my second cup of coffee)


Grandma Shelley said...

Looks like a great week! If you are talking about the Tucson Zoo I have heard great things about it. I hear it is much better for young children and grandma's than the Phoenix Zoo! Enjoy the rest of your week.

Granny Nanny said...

It's a great week in New York as well. Finally the temperatures have moderated. It's been a long snowy winter and we can't wait to see the daffodils come up. This will be the first spring that our two grandchildren will be aware of the changes, and I look forward to watching their reactions!

Grandma Lizzie's House said...

I don't think the size of the zoo matters to kids as long as their with someone they love.

Susan Adcox said...

I had a great spring break with my grands--the three who were at home. Four were on a ski trip. But I'm exhausted today. I didn't even see them every day, but still!

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