Monday, August 27, 2007

Playing Snow

I am tired of the summer heat. If you want to 'play winter,' here is an activity that goes great with grandchildren.

Buy a box of the snow that is used to decorate Christmas trees and displays. It's quite non-toxic and is almost more fun to make than it is to play with. Mix the water and the flakes in one box to make almost a whole bucket.

Kenz used part of the snow to make a snowy patio on her doll house. The rest of it we took outside and threw at the orange tree, making it look like it was realllllly snowing.

To round out this activity read "Snow" by Roy McKie and P.D. Eastmen.

My favorite lines from the book are, I want to know if you like snow. Do you like it? Yes or no? Oh yes! Oh yes! I do like snow. Do you like it in your face? Yes! I like it any place. What is snow? We do not know. But snow is lots of fun we know.

Another good thing about this book are the smiles on the children's faces. It's a happy blue and white book that helps (for a little while) if you're trying to forget about the heat!

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