Last week I went to a Real Estate Forecast Seminar. Before the Chief Economist for the National Association of Realtors spoke, another gentlemen gave our group a presentation on the major trends affecting society now and in the future. (Hmm .... the word gentlemen, is this word obsolete?)
I thought I'd give my visitors, many of you who are approaching Middlessence or are already there, (60's is the new 40's) a few things I hastily jotted down in my old fashioned 80 page college ruled MEAD.
“Ubertrend” is a major trend. German word uber means superior.
DWT is the new DUI (driving while texting)
CWOT (complete waste of time)
FTF (face to face)
218 million MY SPACE accounts
Black Berry=Crack Berry
Laptops called "My Lappy."
There are Virtual Worlds, edges of society stuff, may mainstream, may not. People create an avitar and live in the virtual world. They buy and sell real estate, clothes, etc.
Internet has killed jokes. When is the last time someone sent you a joke?
Americans are reading less, most do not get past page 18. No one has time to focus anymore; pump the info in as fast as we can.
Children are using email to keep in touch with 'old people.'
We want Instant Gratification.
KGOY- Kids growing older younger.
Lack of time is bigger problem than lack of money.
Time is the Ultimate Luxury.
Better let you go.
You can visit the Michael Tchong's website at www.ubercool.com
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