Friday, March 30, 2012

And Spring Has Sprung!

Brody calls Candyland CANDYWORLD. Don't ya love it?  However, I do not like to play Candyland. Maybe I played it too much over my many decades. My guy has more fun moving the pieces around by himself.

Ah! Pizza and the last days of winter. We will be shedding the long sleeves and jackets. These are pictures that have been hiding in my camera. I got a new job and it's forty hours a week. I still get to see my grandchildren on a regular basis..... but Nana has not been a bloggin!

I highly recommend a dollhouse like this one. Kenzie has played with it for SEVEN years. Her stories have changed, but it has been a place she can exercise her creativity. The other day the dolls were missing and she said, "Nana, do you know where the characters are?" How neat that she thinks of the dolls as persons who become alive.  I have to say Brody likes it, too.  

And this is a must for a grandma's house... a puppet theater. Brody and I have lots of laughs making up shows. I love the little Lamb Chop puppet Ant Jean sent some time ago. Look at the picture of Brody's dad in the background. It was taken at his high school graduation and now by golly he's turning 30 this summer.

As Spring begins we say goodbye to Soccer season. This was taken at Kenzie's last All Star game. It was already a warm day. Oh the seasons they do go round and round. I have been so busy learning my new job that I have not updated my favorite thing... my blog. BlogHer may have dropped me from the advertising agreement. We'll see.

Happy April to all and thanks for checking in on us.


Susan Adcox said...

I don't like Candyland, either! But one thing I've learned about kids' games is that almost all of them can be modified a bit to make them more suitable for a grandchild's age and stage. Many times the problem is that they take too long to play, and I am good at figuring out how to shorten them.

Connie Nelson said...

Lol! I'm with Susan on the too long to play part. I want to quit way before the kids do.

Unknown said...

Btw way, would to have you join us for grandparent's link party on Saturdays.

Sally Wendkos Olds said...

Lovely to see Brody & Kenzie growing so big -- and having such good times with their games and the many ways they play them! Monopoly was always the hard one for me to play with kids & grandkids -- I kept calling it "Monotony." It seems to never end!

International Movers UAE said...

Oh the seasons they do go round and round.

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