Friday, August 22, 2014

Was That A Week?

A summer long ago, my mother and her sister Denise 

Wandering thoughts

Here we are in very late August. The clouds on my drive home from work were spectacular. All week they were incredible. They are so beautiful I have to turn away, watch the road. The ceiling fan is turning. I remind myself that it is Friday night. TGI. Work was intense. All of a sudden the hospital was full. Dinner is done. Wild caught Soho Salmon. I'm grateful to be home and healthly. Relax your shoulders. Let you jaw relax. The air conditioning has it's own song. I listen to it now that I am aware that it has been non-stop. The week has been the same. My daughter will have her birthday Monday. When I put a number on her years, it doesn't make sense that she is not a teenager anymore, not even a twenty something, but a thirty something. The only sound I hear now is my fingers clicking my laptop keys.

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